Friday, July 22, 2011

Oslo bombing and Utøya shooting

I'm in shock.  At 3:30pm today, Oslo central was hit apparently by a car bomb.  Seven are confirmed dead and two are currently hospitalised.  Near an hour later, there was a shooting attack at the annual summer camp for the youth organization of the Norwegian Labour party.  The camp is held on an island in the Tyri Fjord.  Currently 10 persons have been shot from this incident.  The blonde haired suspect was dressed as a police officer and he was shooting with an automatic weapon.  People were swimming from the island in order to get away from the gunman!

I was in my office when it happened which is just outside the outskirts of Oslo.

First of all, my thoughts and prayers go out to the families who have been affected.  Another senseless attack on humanity.

Secondly, I pray that this will not further divide people based on religion or race.  Remember all of us are the same.  Remember the media tells you something for a reason.  No matter what you hear, you must seek the truth yourself.  Sadly I think this is just going to cause more racial tension and lead to a crackdown of racial groups, but I hope I will not be correct.

Thirdly, I pray that people will not give up more of their rights and freedoms in order to pursue this "fight against terrorism".  The chances of getting struck by lightning are higher than being a victim of a "terrorist attack".  I suspect this is a false flag attack to distract the debt issues which are happening right now in the Eurozone and the US and for the bankers to even consolidate more power.  It doesn't make sense, even if it was a real terrorist attack why would it be on a Friday afternoon.  As a terrorist wouldn't I want to cause a huge amount of casualties?

I'll update this post as soon as I get more news.

11:22pm  What a crazy day.  A manager from work rang me about half an hour ago checking to make sure that I was okay.  I'm supposed to have norwegian lessons tonight but my teacher has gone missing.  A woman was on TV saying how her daughter hid in the toilet for an hour to avoid the crazy shooter (apparently a 32 year old Nordic man) on the island of Utøya.  At least 10 have been killed from that attack alone.  17 are currently dead in total from both attacks.  I sure wouldn't expect Norway to be attacked but we live in interesting times.  I suspect the attacks are funded by the globalists because Norway is withdrawing troops from Libya (and if you believe the war in Libya is for freedom then you need to investigate more) and they choose to not bail out the Greeks.

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