Day 4, Russian Museum of Ethnography, April 8th
10am ish Woke up later than usual this morning and skipped hotel breakfast. Instead breakfast and lunch was at Tepemok. I had buckwheat with mushrooms and it was great. Buckwheat is so tasty. Anyway the weather wasn't particularly good this morning, it was snowing and wet. The plan was to visit the Ethnography museum. But before that we went to the nearby shopping centre to have a look around at the shops, and to use the toilet but it was expensive so we went to a different shopping centre instead and used the toilet there. Then we walked to the museum.

3:30pm Arrived at the ethnography museum, which is next to the Russian museum. The building is currently undergoing renovations, and the entrance makes it look that way. The entrance fee is 350 rubles for non Russians, for Russians it was 100 rubles, additionally if you wanted to take photos with your camera you had to pay 150 rubles.
The first gallery was the people of the sea and earth and people of the forest galleries. It was about people who lived in the baltic region and north west.
6:30pm Dinner was sushi, "Palki sushi" was the name of the restaurant. It was 2 for 1 day, so everything was basically half price.
10am ish Woke up later than usual this morning and skipped hotel breakfast. Instead breakfast and lunch was at Tepemok. I had buckwheat with mushrooms and it was great. Buckwheat is so tasty. Anyway the weather wasn't particularly good this morning, it was snowing and wet. The plan was to visit the Ethnography museum. But before that we went to the nearby shopping centre to have a look around at the shops, and to use the toilet but it was expensive so we went to a different shopping centre instead and used the toilet there. Then we walked to the museum.
Alexander Pushkin statue on the arts square in front of the Russian museum

Russian Museum
3:30pm Arrived at the ethnography museum, which is next to the Russian museum. The building is currently undergoing renovations, and the entrance makes it look that way. The entrance fee is 350 rubles for non Russians, for Russians it was 100 rubles, additionally if you wanted to take photos with your camera you had to pay 150 rubles.
After paying the fee you start at a large hall and go left or right to the different galleries. The left in the photo below, where security is, is where you start (I was standing in front of entrance to the right gallery when taking this photo.). There's also a large exhibit area that was blocked.
Snow shoes
Celebrating Maslenitsa, to mark the welcoming of spring and to bid adieu to winter
The summer festival Ligo, a Latvian festival, to celebrate the summer solstice (Midsummer) which is the shortest night and longest day of the year
Musical instruments
The second floor was about Caucasus and Ural regions, people who lived in the middle of Russia. And the photos are as follows.
The funny shaped thing with "rings" at the bottom was used to till the ground
Wooden skis :)
The other side of the hall on the ground floor was more Russian orientated costumes, it show cased how Russian women dressed and the type of clothes they wore indicated their wealth status. Traditionally, those who wore a veil were married.
Russian funeral
Differently cutlery and artefacts
Weaving machine
Bear trap
Spot St Petersburg
Back to the ground floor in the other gallery, were traditional folk costumes who lived in different parts of Russia. By this time the museum was about to close so I couldn't take many photos.
6:30pm Dinner was sushi, "Palki sushi" was the name of the restaurant. It was 2 for 1 day, so everything was basically half price.
Japanese lemon tea
Spicy sushi set
Mystery photography man near Palki sushi
Also took a walk to take a picture with Ostap Bender, a character from the book "Twelve Chairs"
After dinner we took a walk to the Singer house bookshop and had a look at what they have to offer. Also bought a nice calendar for a friend at work. Then took another walk to buy more groceries from the shopping centre. I couldn't remember what time I slept but I was so tired I just kind of fell asleep, also "The Dark Knight" was on tv but it was all in Russian. :)